We Are Service Oriented!

By James Florence

After years working on the outskirts of the HVAC industry, Pat Martinez decided to venture further in, not realizing just how far those first few steps would eventually take him. “I used to work as a warehouse manager for a supplier of HVAC air filters,” he recounts. “At a certain point, I was feeling tired of managing people and wanted to do something a little more hands-on. I saw these HVAC technicians coming into the warehouse every day and I figured, ‘Why not try that?’ I ended up getting into the union and becoming an apprentice. The funny thing is, soon after I started, my boss basically put me in charge and had me running jobs, so I fell right back into managing people. I guess it just came naturally to me, and he must have seen that.”

After 14 years working for the same company, Pat came to a crossroads that would alter his career’s trajectory. “The company owner was moving toward the construction side of things, whereas my interest was more service-oriented. I had a decision to make: I could stay on and keep moving in that direction or go off on my own. In the end, I chose the latter. I started my own HVAC service company in 2016 and haven’t looked back.”

Today, as owner of West Coast Mechanical, Pat says his favorite part of his job is making customers comfortable. “Most people come to us when their heaters or air conditioners aren’t working and they’re uncomfortable in their homes. Naturally, when we get their systems working again, they’re really happy, so we get a lot of joy from that.” 

A resident of San Jose (where he lives with his wife, Georgina), Pat spends his time outside of work on a variety of active pastimes. “I enjoy outdoor activities like camping and boating,” he details. “Vacations are always nice when we can get them in. I like traveling to new places, seeing new things and having new experiences.” Pat also likes spending time with his three adult children. “Georgina and I have two sons, both of whom are in the HVAC trade, and one daughter. Even though they’re all out of the house at this point, we still get together for Sunday dinners a couple of times a month.”

In his life and career, Pat espouses a simple philosophy. “You have to work hard if you want to play hard,” he says. “In order to enjoy the finer things in life, you need to work hard for them. Nothing comes easy, but if you put in the hours, things will pay off in the long run.”

When asked the first thing he’d do if he were to retire tomorrow, Pat says he’d see the world. “I’d like to travel abroad—that’s something I haven’t done a lot of. There’s a lot a world out there full of beautiful things to see, so if I had the time and money, I’d definitely go see them.”

Ask Me Anything!

Q: What was your first job?

A: I was a paperboy when I was 11 years old. My first job as an adult was at a welding shop.

Q: What’s your favorite sports team?

A: The San Francisco 49ers.

Q: If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

A: Probably Italy.

Q: What’s your favorite holiday? 

A: It’s a tie between Thanksgiving and Christmas because I enjoy the family get-togethers.

Q: What do you like on your pizza? 

A: Just about everything.

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